
摘要: 2019年11月17日,“中点百人大师团”首批十席大师之一张聚福老师,全国工商联烘焙业公会中点研发基地负责人李海丰老师,携牛氏运昌中点复兴技术团队,为五号小仓烘焙技术中心带来了亲切温暖的国风点心。


On November 17, 2019, Zhang Jufu, one of the first ten masters in the Group of 100 Masters of Dim Sum, and Li Haifeng, the head of the dim sum research and development base of ACBA together with NIU SHI YUN CHANG renaissance technical team brought heartwarming snacks with Chinese characteristics to the No. 5 Bakery. 


Showing the process of making traditional snacks such as shortening cake, jujube cake, hawthorn crusty pancake, large jujube cake, etc., these masters taught students some basic methods of making classic cakes and pastry. Then they made some innovative snacks like square pastry with jujube paste, bean paste cake, and jujube dim sum to teach students how to combine tradition with modern elements during the process of making dim sum. And the jujube toast and jujube cereal bar showed a perfect transformation from traditional snacks to bread. After two days of study and observation, the students learned a wealth of skills and knowledge about dim sum from the masters. 


Niu Shi Yun Chang Dim Sum Rejuvenation pioneer the national technical and cultural exchanges on dim sum. It has held over one hundred special exchange meetings aimed to promote and unfold the secret classic recipes of dim sum, so that more people who love Chinese snacks could rejuvenate Chinese dim sum techniques. 

五号小仓烘焙技术 中心致力于传播面包技术与文化,此次邀请张聚福老师,李海丰老师的到来,不仅为学员们打开了面包融合之门,开阔了视野,更以经典丰富了烘焙产品线。 接下来五号小仓会持续努力,做好平台,整合优质资源,打造内容生态,与烘焙同行者们不断创新链接,共建生态烘焙圈。

The No. 5 Bakery is dedicated to spreading bread technology and culture. The invited master   Zhang Jufu and   Li Haifeng  not only opened the door of bread for the students, but also broadened their horizons and enriched the bakery product line. In the future, No.5 Bakery will continue to make efforts to build a better platform, integrate high-quality resources, and create a content ecology, and join hands with partners to continuously innovate links and build an ecological baking circle. 
