
摘要: 2019年9月9日,中国首根巴黎思法棍在五号小仓出炉。巴黎思法棍是法国最佳工匠巴黎先生(MOF.Gaëtan Paris)使用自主研发的“La Parisse(音译为:巴黎思)“ 面粉以独创的工艺制作的传统法棍。
2019 9 9 日,中国首根巴黎思法棍在五号小仓出炉。巴黎思法棍是法国最佳工匠巴黎先生( MOF.Gaëtan Paris )使用自主研发的 “La Parisse( 音译为:巴黎思 )“   面粉以独创的工艺制作的传统法棍。巴黎思法棍采用八小时自然水解法制作,充分分解出面粉原本的甘甜,一头圆一头尖的原创造型配合一长一短两刀的独特割口。刷新了同学们对法国欧包的固有认知,并让在场同学对法国当今面包制作技术有了更进一步了解。

On Sept. 9, 2019, the first La parisse baguette of China came out of No. 5 Bakery. La parisse baguette is a traditional baguette made by unique process with La Parisse flour that was independently developed by MOF.Gaëtan Paris, the best chef in Paris. La parisse baguette uses eight-hour autolyse process to decompose the original sweetness of the flour thoroughly. The originally creative shape of one round end with one pointed end responds very well to the characteristic cuts—one cut is long and the other cut is short. It provides students with an update of baguette to substitute stereotyped concepts, and meanwhile let students in the field to gain a further understanding of contemporary production of bread in France.

本次巴黎先生带来了三大面粉品牌分别是:巴黎思面包粉(  La parisse   )、太阳光面包粉  ( La Soleillane) 、爱味丽亚面包粉(  Evelia   ),在此次的四天课程中,将巴黎先生用这三个品牌的面粉完成他独创的面包课程。其中巴黎思面包粉(  La parisse   )是全球唯一 MOF 研发认证面粉品牌,全法国最大农业联盟面粉品牌,欧洲面包杯唯一指定合作赛面粉,而巴黎思法棍正式巴黎先生研发的面粉与制法的完美结合,当中国首根巴黎思法棍在五号小仓出炉时,在场所有的学生一起见证了这一奇妙的时刻。

This time, MOF.Gaëtan Paris has brought with him three major bread brands that were La parisse, La Soleillane, and Evelia. During the four-day course, MOF.Gaëtan Paris delivered a special bread course by using these three brands of flours. Of them, La praise was the only flour brand that was developed and authenticated by MOF. It was the flour brand of the biggest agricultural union across France, and the solely appointed flour partner in European Bread Cup. Paris baguette was exactly the perfect combination of the flour and the process that was developed by MOF.Gaëtan Paris. When La parisse baguette of China came out of No. 5 Bakery, all students in the field witnessed that miracle moment together.


In the course today, MOF.Gaëtan Paris shared not only the bread production method of long-time hydrolysis but also techniques of baking products with different tastes and different shapes on the foundation of same basic dough. The most desirable one was the panettone made out of panettone yeast from wild apples on Mont Saint-Michel. It takes fours days to make such kind of bread. Besides, there was fully flavored rye. Mrs. Sibo, board chairman of Shi Hai Trading Company, and agent for La parisse, Evelia and La Soleillane for China explained the whole course in person. During the course, MOF.Gaëtan Paris had interactions with students, he popped up some technical questions that were taught in today’s course, and students who gave correct answers were given aprons signed by MOF.Gaëtan Paris. The class atmosphere was very lively.


The excitement is still going on. Let’s anticipate further contact with French bread in the next two days to come.
