
摘要: 2019年9月11日,五号小仓烘培技术培训中心,在湖北省武汉市硚口区汉口里正式开业。烘焙界人士汇聚一堂,仟吉集团董事长陆伟先生,京东集团7fresh 烘焙采销高级经理李国锋先生,澳门中小企业联合总商会副会长、味蕾烘焙创办人邱美宁女士,巴黎思MOF面粉品牌创始人卡艾当.巴黎先生,保定食海进出口贸易有限公司董事长吴思博女士与五号小仓烘焙技术中心创始人陈科一同为五号小仓技术中心剪彩。


2019年9月11日,五号小仓烘培技术培训中心,在湖北省武汉市硚口区汉口里正式开业。烘焙界人士汇聚一堂,仟吉集团董事长陆伟先生,京东集团7fresh 烘焙采销高级经理李国锋先生,澳门中小企业联合总商会副会长、味蕾烘焙创办人邱美宁女士,巴黎思MOF面粉品牌创始人卡艾当.巴黎先生,保定食海进出口贸易有限公司董事长吴思博女士与五号小仓烘焙技术中心创始人陈科一同为五号小仓技术中心剪彩。
No.5 Bakery Baking Technology Training Center officially opened on September 11th, 2019 in Qiaokou District of Wuhan city, Hubei Province. Friends from baking and food industry gathered together to cut the ribbon for No.5 Bakery Technology Center, participants included Mr. Luwei, the Chairman of Kengee Bakery,   Mr.Li Guofeng  from Jingdong 7fre sh Joint venture chamber  from Macau,  Weilei Bakery founde Ms.Qiu Meining , MOF Gaëtan Paris, the Best Chief from France, Ms. Wu Sibo from SHI HAI Trading Company and Chen Ke, founder of No.5 Bakery.



Ms. Wangzun, the cofounder of No.5 Bakery delivered spoke at the opening ceremony, she say that No.5 Bakery is willing to become an excellent baking technicalization assistant to help those bakery practitioners and enterprises who expect to achieve technical transformation with “decentralized” method. We should play a good role as a “connector” that provides abundant industrial link ports for various enterprises in the bakery line; we should be a “toolbox” that offers complete “technical and products modules”; moreover, we have to be an “ecological co-builder” to offer ecological environment to technicians, business runners, resource providers as well as packing service providers from the baking industry, in order to encourage participants’ innovation and develop connection between them. We are looking forward to building up an ecological bakery community with partners from related industries.

What we hope is that clearer cooperation rules within the bakery industry could be created and all sorts of resources could unite to form a joint force. By making full use of the potential and differentiated advantages brought by Internet service, in the future, not only should we make efforts to provide basic service according to clients’ needs but make immediate responses to their personalized demands. More importantly, we hope to provide diversified, systematic, safe and controllable business solutions. At the same time, we expect to create the baking social and contents that are more attractive to young people so that we can build up a closer new ecology with partners from the Internet industry.

We have the reason to believe that in digital ear we can reach the technological level that could hardly be achieved in the industrial era, in which we can create high-quality and more unique products and services. The vision of No.5 Bakery never is competing for the championship in the race within the bakery industry but served as an assistant to help cultivate more successful bakery technicians and partners to run their own races.


Here, we want to express thanks to all the friends who care about the development and growth of No.5 Bakery. It’s your expectation and encouragement that motivates our continuous iteration and progress.


Not be eager for instant success and provide high-quality services are the persistent notion of No.5 bakery. We hold on to thinking about food ingredients and technology and provide customized service based on the practitioner’s demands and grow up with all the practitioners.

五号小仓怀着面包的对热爱与坚持,带着国际化的技术和眼光, 从消费端到供应端的深度融合,成为烘焙条上的连接者,在烘焙生产者,材料供应者,包装服务者,与产品体验者之间,实现人、物,场的良好链接。与此同时,五号小仓在传播先进的烘焙技术同时,从业者可以在学习过程中了解烘焙的文化,感受烘焙的乐趣。

Bear the love and persistence for bakery; adopt the international technology and vision, we become the connector in the bakery industry chain to achieve the depth integration of consumer end and supply end, as well as build up positive connections among person, material and context for bakery producers, resource suppliers, packing service providers and product experiencers. Meanwhile, when No.5 Bakery is propagating the advanced bakery technology, the practitioner can also learn about bakery culture and feel the joy of the bakery during the process at the same time.
