
2019-12-27 11:36:00
On the 10th and 11th of October 2019, Ito Masahiro, the father of levain in Japan, conducted two bread workshops at the baking technology center of No. 5 Bakery in Wuhan.  本次的讲习会中所有的产品均使用到了利用鲁邦机续养、管理的鲁邦液种,在鲁邦液种的使用思路方面,老师强调了两个方面:
In the workshop, levain liquid fed and managed by levain machine is used in all the products, and the teacher emphasized on the following two points in the idea of using levain liquid :
Follow the idea of traditional fermenting species, and apply the concept of using levain as pre-fermented dough in the preparation of hard rolls. 

With the idea of natural additives, pour about 10% of levain liquid into the soft rolls, or toasts and a variety of other dough, to help enhance the flavor, malleability, moisture retention, and resistance to aging etc. While preparing frozen dough, it can also leave the finished product with a better taste and the resistance to aging.   关于面包师的职业成长,伊藤老师表示,在面包学习的路上也许会遇到许多不同的老师,接受到不同的面包制作思路,这些思路指导下的面包操作法会千差万别,甚至相悖。而在面包的世界里没有绝对的对错,就仿佛登山,大家的目标都是山顶,而登山的路可以各有选择,只要最终做出来的面包是好吃的,就不应被一些教条所局限。在职业提升的过程中重视基础面团的理解,重视基础理论知识的贯穿,然后明白自己想要达到的目标和完成的方向,不断地摸索和尝试各种办法,解决问题,接近目标,这是做出好吃面包的重要思维。
Regarding the professional growth of a baker, Mr. Ito Masahiro expressed that, along your journey of learning baking, you may come across many different types of teachers, and receive different bread preparation concepts, which may guide you to varied or even contradictory bread preparation methods. However, there is no absolute right or wrong in the world of bread, as it’s like mountain climbing, in which everyone shares the same goal of making it to the top but the paths that everyone chooses to get there can be varied. The point is that as long as the final product is tasty, there should be no dogmatic restrictions. The important mindset to make delicious bread is that throughout the process of professional growth, you should pay attention to the understanding of basic dough and attach great importance to the penetration of basic theoretic knowledge, then figure out the target that you want to achieve and the direction that you want to accomplish, and continuously explore and try various methods to solve the problem and approach the goal.  五号小仓烘焙技术中心致力于传播面包技术与文化,此次邀请伊藤雅大老师的到来、为我们传递了灵活、开放、目标明确的面包制作与开发理念,这只是五号小仓向共建“烘焙生态”迈出的一小步,接下来五号小仓会持续努力,我们的愿景并不是要独自在烘焙行业的跑道上去争冠军,而是要立足做好“助手”,帮助烘焙生态中的技术者与合作伙伴在各自的赛道上成长出更多的优胜者。
The technology center at No. 5 Bakery is committed to spreading bread technology and culture. And this time, the arrival of Mr. Ito Masahiro delivered to us a flexible, open and objective-clear philosophy of bread preparation and development. This is just a small step taken by No. 5 Bakery toward the joint establishment of “Baking Ecology”, and moving forward, No. 5 Bakery will continue to work hard in the future. Our vision is not for ourselves to strive for the championship alone on the track of the baking industry, but rather, to keep a foothold in acting as an excellent “assistant” to help the technology providers and collaborating partners in the baking ecology to develop more winners on their own tracks.